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Agendas by Industry

Expand the sections below to see sessions by industry


Discrete Manufacturing


Oil Gas and Energy

Company Name Speakers
Phillips 66 & AccentureDownstream Energy & Chems: Optimizing Steam Network for Sustainability and Cost Efficiency at Scale​
Industrial Insight, Inc & Subsea SolutionsUsing the PI System, Asset Intellect and Alarm Sentinel to monitor Blowout Preventers
Helin DataHelin Data: Geothermal Energy Plants - Improving uptime and data sharing
AdnocAdnoc: Instrument Reliability Assurance System[iRAS)
TC EnergyTC Energy: Fuel optimization platform built on AF, ML & combinatorics
AVEVASustainable Hydrogen Through Smart Design and Efficient Operation
Flint Hills ResourcesFHR: PI and Graph Databases
Kaiser Permanente & DERNetSoftSupporting Kaiser Permanente's energy transition and decarbonization through a platform approach
AVEVAPanel: Industrial Data Management/Digital Twin
OMC ThermochemistryPrecise heat and material balance modeling using simulation
Saudi AramcoAccelerating Corporate Decision-Making with the Process Simulation Twin
Cameron LNGChallenges, opportunities and best practices in "Digital LNG"
AVEVAEnergy Track Welcome, Overview and Thought Leadership - Digitally Navigating the Energy Quadrilemma
University of IowaCloud-based Machine Learning to Increase Heterogenous Feedstock Conversion to Renewable Natural Gas
AVEVAPanel: New Energies and Decarbonization or Navigating the Future of Low-Carbon Solutions
AVEVAPanel: Advanced Analytics,AI & Generative AI
MPCMPC: Advanced Emissions Monitoring and Reporting
AVEVAAVEVA Unified Engineering Roadmap
Saudi AramcoSaudi Aramco: Accelerating Sustainability: Digital Advisory Platform for Power Optimization and Cogen Efficiency
AVEVACreating Quantifiable Sustainability Value Cases with AVEVA's AI-enabled Analytics Software
Plains AA PipelineUsing the AVEVA Portfolio to Support Plains Midstream's Business Transformation - "One Plains"
HPCL Visakh RefineryDigital Transformation at HPCL Visakh Refinery: Implementation of EPDDMS
AVEVA + ADNOCA New Horizon of AI-Driven Autonomous Operations for the Energy Industry
Saudi AramcoAsset Predictive Analytics: Saudi Aramco Omnichannel for Equipment Health Sustainability
AtkinsRéalisAtkinsRéalis digital strategy: Why a different approach is needed to monetize the value of digital capabilities
 Oil, Gas, Energy & EPC Industry Guided Tour

Life Sciences

Mining, Metals and Minerals

Power and Utilities

Company Name Speakers
EDC & Calibr8EDC Geothermal Resiliency Initiative through Data Visibility and Analytics
Salt River Project (SRP)How Salt River Project Uses PI to Improve Market Operations
Kaiser Permanente & DERNetSoftSupporting Kaiser Permanente's energy transition and decarbonization through a platform approach
PowerRunnerPowerRunner on PI: Lessons Learned On Distribution Utility Deployments for Power and Water
Dominion EnergyDominion Energy: AVEVA PI System Automation - From PI Tags to AF Models
 Power & Utilities Industry Guided Tour
City of BurbankCity of Burbank: Situalal awareness, data validation, use of API for notification & data transfer between systems.
AVEVAPower and Utilities: the role of AI and advanced analytics
AVEVACritical Infrastructure: Round table discussion
Avista UtilitiesAvista: Utility Fire Risk Awareness
TNB GencoTNBJ M4 Coal Fineness Prediction using Machine Learning Tools for Mill Operation
Ormat & Casne EngineeringOrmat: Equipment Monitoring Improvements with the AVEVA PI System and standardization of complex analytics
PG&E: Pacific Gas & ElectricPG&E: Streamlining PI System O&M by Centralizing PI Message Logs
OPGOPG: Predictive Analytics: The Foundation for OPG's M&D Centre
Pampa EnergíaPampa Energía: From Data to Dollars - Reducing Costs Through Smart Monitoring
AVEVAPower Industry: Welcome to AVEVA World
AVEVAPower and Utilities: A practical guide to digital transformation
CAISOCAISO: Navigating the Energy Transition - CAISO’s Challenges and Solutions
Tennessee Valley Authority [TVA]; Accenture Federal Services [AFS]Tennessee Valley Authority: Building a Digital Core for Operational Technology Data in Power Generation
Portland General Electric [PGE]PGE: Empowering Operational Excellence - Our Journey with PI-Driven Insights
Adani Energy Solutions Limited [AESL]Adani Energy Solutions: Comprehensive Asset Performance Management & Alarm Analytics Using AVEVA PI System
ONS BrazilONS Brazil: Maximizing Renewable Energy Utilization: The Impact of PI System on Grid Efficiency
Jal Jeevan Mission [JJM]Jal Jeevan Mission: Revolutionizing Water Management with PI System & Arc GIS: Real-Time Data Monitoring
AVEVAAVEVA Unified Engineering Roadmap
AVEVACreating Quantifiable Sustainability Value Cases with AVEVA's AI-enabled Analytics Software
AVEVAPower & Utilities interactive customer session
SSESSE: Sharing control room insights beyond the control room wall.

Water and Wastewater