Manufacturing (Life Sciences, CPG, Discrete)
Provision of data in the cloud for building graphical analyses in real time.


Provision of data in the cloud for building graphical analyses in real time.

Citrosuco is one of the largest orange juice companies in the world, 100% Brazilian, with the capacity to process more than 40% of all orange juice produced and exported by Brazil, or more than 20% of global demand.

Founded by the Fischer Group, a pioneer in the orange juice business in Brazil, and by the Votorantim Group, one of the largest industrial conglomerates in Latin America.


Allow access to plant data quickly and efficiently through the cloud system. Providing real-time analysis, optimizing decisions and business processes, without the need for complex local infrastructure. Ensuring flexibility and scalability, making information analysis more dynamic and accessible regardless of location and time.

• First project in Latin America using AVEVA CONNECT.
• Creation of a fluid navigation system, optimizing data access time as much as possible.


• Total integration of the plant, with the possibility of expansion throughout the production chain.
• Access to real-time data, available in the cloud.
• Reduction of infrastructure costs.
• Ease of identifying failures in the production process.
• Centralization of data from different process sources.
• Correlation of parameters from different areas leading to the creation of new KPIs.


The use of data has become a crucial factor for industries, and this is no different for the food and beverage sector, particularly for orange juice producers. Strategic and operational decisions increasingly depend on the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, which provides valuable insights to optimize processes and improve product quality.
Collecting and analyzing operational data is essential to optimizing orange juice production. By monitoring each stage of the production process — such as the quantity of oranges processed, the yield of juice extracted, and the processing time — it is possible to identify bottlenecks, which allows adjustments to be made in real time.
Data on the performance of equipment, such as extractors, filters and pasteurizers, allows maintenance to be predicted and unexpected failures to be avoided, ensuring production continuity.
Citrosuco had valuable information to optimize its processes, but it had difficulty centralizing it for more comprehensive analyses. Despite having AVEVA System Platform, AVEVA Historian and AVEVA Insights Hub software, the data was not fully integrated with the other software in its plant. Knowing the value of data analysis, it decided to invest in AVEVA CONNECT as the tool responsible for centralizing and contextualizing the data, seeing great potential gains for its entire value chain.

“The native integration between AVEVA Historian 2023R2 and AVEVA Connect made Citrosuco’s plant data available in the cloud with just 1 hour of development” – Kokumai, Luis [Software Eng., Grafcet].

• Single integration platform, with which it would be possible to integrate Citrosuco's value chain, including the agricultural, industrial and logistics phases.
• They needed a centralized environment to correlate their process data, which would allow them to analyze historical data as well as in real time.
• Agility of implementation, aiming at development replication and engineering savings, in addition to ease in creating graphical analyses.
• Ensure that each sector has a clear view of the impact of its actions on other areas, promoting a more aligned and optimized operation throughout the production chain
Without overriding the other features of AVEVA Connect, but only emphasizing this specific feature, the speed of implementation and processing of the tool was one of the crucial points that sparked Citrosuco's interest. The other points would be:
• Citrosuco's base plant directly owns AVEVA systems.
• Historian 2023R2 tool .
• Scalability.
• High availability

The implementation of the project required approximately four months, half of which was used to contextualize plant data, due to the volume of data to be contextualized and correlated to the assets created, and two months to create and correct screens according to the client's requirements.
In the first phase carried out in data services , after data collection, the creation of assets was developed types , so that they receive the steams in an orderly manner, after the creation of the assets rules , thus creating assets in a hierarchical and replicable manner.
In the second phase, after the data was contextualized and ordered within their respective assets, areas and the like, the plant visualization screens were developed, providing a fluid navigation system, with valuable information on the production process correlated through graphs, cards and tables.
Because Connect is a new tool with great market potential in AVEVA's portfolio, the entire project was monitored by its team of developers, ensuring that the project was carried out following all the premises.
expected from the tool, thus achieving the best possible result.
And what are the next steps? Citrosuco’s plan is to achieve this level of data analysis maturity in all of its industrial plants.

The project encompasses the standardization of data formats, system interfaces and performance analysis processes. The single platform will ensure that data from each sector is easily accessible, correlated and can be analyzed strategically. The scope of standardization will include data standardization, performance analysis, creation of integrated reports and definition of access levels for different types of users, allowing managers and operators to see only the information relevant to their respective departments. With the implementation of the proposed standards, it is expected to achieve an improvement in collaboration between sectors and increased transparency in operations.