Adani Power: Enhancing power system efficiency through effective monitoring
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Power and utilities

To enable return on investment focused digital transformation specifically in power sector, role of powerful data infrastructure which can support key pillars of revenue optimization. The Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) and Auxiliary Power Consumption (APC) optimization is one of the initiative to drive power system efficiency. AVEVA OSI-PI System brings together Utilities, industry experts, researchers, and technology providers to explore the latest developments, case studies, and strategies for leveraging optimization techniques to enhance grid stability, reduce power losses, and improve overall energy management.   Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) Monitoring System:  Understanding the principles and mechanisms of DSM in Indian Electricity Grid, including the concepts of frequency regulation, Load Generation balancing, RGMO. Role of DSM is to maintain high grid stability, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, and optimizing balance between power generation and load consumption.  For a generating station in India, apart from the fixed cost and variable cost, the Deviation Settlement Mechanism (DSM) is a regulatory framework implemented in the electricity sector to ensure the stability and reliability of the power system. It is designed to address deviations between scheduled generation (SG) and actual electricity generation (AG) / power with drawl by power distribution utilities.  In the context of power systems, the term "deviation" refers to the difference between the scheduled electricity generation and actual generation or consumption at drawl point. These deviations can arise due to various factors such as sudden change in demand, unforeseen outages, or operational constraints. The DSM is aimed at settling these deviations in a fair and transparent manner among all the grid participants.  The primary objective of the DSM is to maintain the grid's balance and stability by incentivizing market participants to adhere to their scheduled generation or drawl and supporting the grid in case of generation is less than drawl. It establishes a mechanism to penalize participants for deviations from their schedules and reward those who adhere to their commitments. This mechanism helps in reducing system imbalances, optimizing utilization of available resources, and minimizing the overall costs associated with grid operations.  Under the DSM, the deviations are quantified and settled based on predetermined DAM & RTM pricing mechanisms. The pricing of deviations typically involves incentives / penalties for participants who exceed / shortfall from their scheduled generation or drawl. These penalties and rewards are calculated based on predefined formulas published in Indian grid regulation.  The DSM regulation is formulated by CERC (Central Electricity Regulatory Commission), implemented by a designated grid / market operator, responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the deviation settlement mechanism. Market participants are required to submit periodic reports on their actual generation or drawl, and settlements are carried out based on these reports.      Auxiliary Power Consumption (APC) Monitoring System:  Auxiliary power / Energy Consumption or 'AUX' in relation to a period in case of a generating station means the quantum of energy consumed by auxiliary equipment of the generating station, such as the equipment being used for the purpose of operating plant and machinery including switchyard of the generating station and the transformer losses within the generating station, expressed as a percentage of the sum of gross energy generated at the generator terminals of all the units of the generating station:  Optimizing / Reducing auxiliary power consumption is essential part for improving the overall efficiency of thermal power plants. Higher auxiliary power consumption (APC) means that relatively higher consumption w.r.t standard / defined APC of the generated electricity is utilized for internal