SoCalGas’s natural gas transmission and storage system services millions of customers in Southern California including the Las Angeles basis and San Diego. In support of a company priority to provide safe, reliable energy infrastructure services, one key area of focus as been on enhanced monitoring and real-time decision support of our fleet of compressors used in our complex natural gas transmission and storage network to maximize reliability, efficiency and to reduce emissions. By utilizing the AVEVA™ PI System™ and AVEVA™ partner Process Innovation, we will present our journey of digital transformation and take a deep dive looking at challenges faced, solutions we have implemented, and what we have learned through the process. We then take a quick look at the direction we are heading by building on our solid base of operational intelligence by overlay the next “layers of analytics” level of predictive analytics to gather even deeper insights. The presentation slot will be divided into two segments:
1) SoCalGas’s overview of the business case, strategy, vision, and the journey to date enabled by AVEVA™ PI System™ and AVEVA™ PI Asset Framework™
2) Process Innovation’s PI AF and PI Vision based asset template plug-ins including deep integration with ACI’s compressor models leveraging Process Innovation’s consulting/implementation services.