Process Industries (Chemicals, MMM, Pulp/Paper)
Kruger: Use the power of AVEVA PI AF and PI Vision to monitor Data acquisition and reduce data loss

Your data is gold.  What is happenning when your data stops flowing into your PI DA server? Obviously, you are losing money. Also, it is difficult to improve what you cannot measure. You capture data to improve your manufacturing production, it is now time to capture data to improve your data acquisition.

In the actual employment context, we are seeking time to do more with less. When the production matters matters the most, the monitoring is too often a deprioritized. We then need tools to monitor our systems for us and to advise us when it really matters. We need measures to see if we get better or if we get worst. 

In this presentation, I will show how we at Kruger, reduced your number of data acquisition failure and how we improved our response time using the power of AVEVA PI AF and PI Vision. This tools also gives us new data acquisition statistics that allows us to pin point the most problematics systems to fix or update them.