The Ormat Story / AW Presentation:
AVEVA Technologies Used:
Wonderware Historian, [Used previously, has history for the sites and feeds PowerBI] Citect, PI System [PI AF, PI AF-SDK, PI Vision, PI Data Archive]
Casne Engineering
Over the last year Casne has been working closely with Ormat to improve visibility and metrics across their sites into a single place. In order to accomplish this, Ormat has selected the AVEVA PI System and is working rapidly to build out an AF Infrastructure, Analytics, PI Vision displays for several of their sites. They have been backfilling data from the AVEVA Historian, migrating this to the PI Data Infrastructure, and then the pulling in live data from Citect. They’ve also moved over a few sites from the Rockwell historian and connected them in so they have realtime data for those sites in a centralized PI System.
While the AF Structure is impressive, the analytics and visualization are great examples of what can be done with PI and highlight the power of a true data infrastructure.
The majority of analytics are computed through a custom, AF-SDK application that integrates directly with Ormat's AF hierarchy and runs calculations against a NIST thermodynamic library. This application takes what was once a laborious manual process that could only be completed on a one-off basis and transforms it into real-time calculations that run across the Ormat fleet and provide immediate and actionable insight based on thermodynamic first principles. This fully replaces excel and spreadsheets at the sites that have been migrated.
The PI Vision displays show the consistent metrics between sites and allow a quick view of plant performance. The screen below is an example of the Olkaria site, where all of the visualizations here are rolled up from other screens at the site.