

Silver sponsor

Booth 07

TrendMiner is a robust vendor agnostic advanced industrial analytics platform or fast and actionable insights for everyone in production for making data-driven decisions. It comes with an enhanced data layer, that seamlessly integrates with your historian of choice and a wide variety of IT and OT data sources. It indexes, structures and contextualizes all the time-series, asset and event data for rapid fire visualization in the universal production client, providing a 360 degree view on operational performance. TrendMiner’s self-service analytics capabilities help discovering what has happened, analyzing why anomalies happened and predict what is likely to happen in the future. Through extensive but easy to use search capabilities, such as pattern based similarity search and compare tables, to anomaly detection and recommendations. All the capabilities can easily be operationalized at scale, through use of monitoring and alerting, dashboards and reports. The created value from a wide variety of use cases and solution areas can be shared and rolled out globally for maximizing value from the TrendMiner platform. This further optimizes knowledge capturing, sharing and collaboration at each level of the organization and between departments, accelerating the digitalization journey and empowering everyone in operations to make data driven decisions.