Full Name
Jean-Michel Briens
Job Title
Industrial IT Director
Speaker Bio

As any industrialist, I love to build things and thus I created some in my life:

• BRIDGES between the IT and business worlds. I used my field-oriented experiences and educations, to make technology understood and used by everyone in operations.

• FILTERING SYSTEMS to sort out added-value (r)evolutions from marketing rebranding. I proved that pragmatic and lean approach to IT solutions, contrary to extensive rush for the emerging trends, is an efficient way to create value for the company.

• SUSTAINABLE ORGANISATIONS that can evolve and improve by themselves. During my career I either created or significantly ramped-up existing teams, providing guidance, autonomy and flexibility necessary for their development.

• A BUILDING, a real (small) one, my current personal project on which I like to work myself, especially on the domotic/automation part.