Agnico Eagle: CONNECT data services as a gateway to mining vehicle analytics
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Innovation (CONNECT, AI, etc.)

Agnico Eagle is working on data science projects in Databricks leveraging CONNECT.  The primary use case to be discussed is a fuel utilization project performed with a third party data science vendor working within our Databricks environment.  The goal of this project is to apply machine learning algorithms to vehicle telemetry data to find links between fuel utilization, motor statistics, and high cost equipment failures.

Haul Truck Fuel and motor statistic analyses require data from AVEVA PI and Fleet management systems combined in a timely manner for fuel utilization and preventative maintenance requirements.

Agnico Eagle uses CONNECT to automate data flows for mobile fleet fuel utilization and maintenance statistics, resulting in an easy to scale and resilient data engineering solution.  The primary focus of the presentation is on the simplified and scalable data engineering process through CONNECT and how it enabled the fast iteration process for the fuel analytics project.

Information on the specific benefits gained through the fuel analytics project will be available during the presentation creation process.  As part of a lighthouse engagement Agnico Eagle is participating in with AVEVA, we may also have material on the use of CONNECT visualization and Advanced Analytics as part of this project to share.