Nestlé: Harnessing advanced analytics and real-time data in the cloud to enhance product quality and minimize waste
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Innovation (CONNECT, AI, etc.)


  • Fully manual operation of the agglomeration process caused variability in product moisture and density
  • Low product yield due to low moisture
  • Inconsistent product caused unnecessary waste


  • Deployed CONNECT and transferred data via AVEVA™ Historian. AVEVA™ Advanced Analytics was used to predict quality parameters of powder production and recommend optimal process setpoints, removing the need for resource-constrained on-premises systems to carry the additional burden of supporting this solution.


  • A 10% savings on Nesquik powder in the trial, or 101g saved from every 1kg jar
  • Consistently tighter jar-to-jar weight variation
  • Improved product consistency and consumer satisfaction
  • Less product waste on production and packaging lines