Owl Cyber Defense: Balancing Access and Security: Best Practices for PI Data Replication in OT Environments
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Partner solution talks

Operational technology (OT) networks are increasingly under pressure to share PI Historian data while maintaining airtight security across different locations and systems to optimize performance and drive informed decision-making. However, replicating PI data from OT networks poses unique challenges and security risks.

Join us as we discuss best practices for securely replicating PI data from OT networks, share real-world challenges, and provide actionable strategies for ensuring resilient, secure PI replication in critical infrastructure environments.

We will discuss:

Key vulnerabilities that OT systems face during data replication
How to mitigate these risks by implementing secure architectures
The role of technologies like data diodes, which provide secure, one-way data flows, ensuring that sensitive OT networks are isolated from external threats while still allowing for the seamless transfer of critical PI data.